Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sunday, June 5, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, this ornate wooden triangle in the vision represents the Blessed Trinity. In the Gospel reading I was telling My apostles how I was about to return to My Father in heaven. I have told them many times that the Father and I are One. Even when Philip asked Me to show him the Father, I again stated that when you see Me, you see the Father. You are still praying your novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation for Pentecost. Again, you are temples of the Holy Spirit because without the Spirit of life in your soul and body, you would cease to exist. You believe by faith that there are Three Persons in one God. You have God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Blessed Trinity. This understanding is a mystery to man. So when you pray to the Father, receive Me in Holy Communion, or speak of the Holy Spirit, you have all Three of Us present because We are inseparable as one God. Give honor and praise to the Blessed Trinity when you make the Sign of the Cross, or pray the ‘Glory be’ prayer.”

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