Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sunday, October 16, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this vision of your pastor offering Mass so that you realize what a treasure you have in the Mass, as well as the blessing of having a pastor. The Mass brings you the blessing of Myself that you receive in Holy Communion, and you also have My Word in the readings by which to live. You know how much I love all of you, and how I want to bring every soul to heaven. By the grace of My sacraments, you are constantly being nourished with My heavenly Manna to sustain your life in body and spirit. As you see My priest son, you should pray for him and help him in his ministry to your parish. You were seeing another gift of Baptism as you brought this little one into the faith. The priests bring you My sacraments, and this is why it is so important to keep your churches open. By keeping your church alive, the people have an opportunity to worship Me and help bring new converts into the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, the riches and pleasures of this world have enticed many people into sin, and these people are worshiping these things as gods. People with money and possessions think that they do not need Me because they provide for themselves. Without Me, you would have nothing. You are totally dependent on Me for everything whether you believe it or not. This is why you should not become so attached to the things of this world that you could not give them up. Everything that you have is on loan, and you are only a tenant of Mine. When I ask you to follow Me, I am not asking for a percentage of your time, but I am asking you to make a total commitment to My Divine Will. I can only be the Master of your life, if you give Me your whole free will. As you heard tonight, there are only two choices. You are either with Me or with Satan. There is no place in between. You will either allow Me to be your Master, or you are choosing Satan to be your master. If you choose to let yourself be the master, then you are giving yourself over to Satan. Choose life today by following Me into the Light, or you could be lost to hell. This decision cannot be put off to tomorrow, because you may not live to see another day. If you desire to be with the One who loves you, then follow Me on the narrow road to heaven. Any other choice will lead you to the devil who hates you, and he will lead you on the broad road to hell.”

Source: ➥