Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Saturday, October 22, 2011:

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard from St. Paul how you should be living according to the law of the Spirit of God. You are not to be so concerned about the things of the flesh, but you should be more concerned about eternal life in the spirit. In the parable of the fig tree there is no fruit on it. The owner wanted to cut it down because it had no fruit for three years. The gardener asked the owner to allow it one more year so he could cultivate it and fertilize it. This parable is speaking of My faithful who are also meant to bear fruit as your prayers and good works. You have heard My Word and have been blessed to receive the faith. Now you must act on My Word and show your love for Me and your neighbor in your actions. This means that you need to pray to Me and worship Me every day. By your charity from your heart, you should reach out to help your neighbors in their needs. You should take every opportunity to help your family members or friends in their needs without complaint, and act without being asked. For every good work that you do, you will store up treasure in heaven. So after some years, if you do not bear fruit, you could be like this barren fig tree. I offer to cultivate you with My graces and My Word. I give you Confession to forgive your sins, and I enrich you with the spiritual fertilizer of My graces. If you do not bear fruit during your life, then you are risking hell if you are cut down for not obeying My laws. I ask My faithful to be fruitful and may your works be multiplied, so when you face Me at your judgment, you will be found as a fruit laden fig tree.”

Jesus said: “My people, many times ships get lost in the fog, and the light from the lighthouse gives them their bearings so they can find their way. In the spiritual realm there are many people lost in the fog of worldly noise and the desires of earthly things and activities. My sanctuary light in My Adoration chapel is locating My Real Presence so My faithful know where to find Me. When you come into the silence of My Presence, you have a chance to not only make your prayer requests, but also you can listen for My voice in your heart. It is in your contemplative prayer that I can show you how to advance in your mission. It is not easy to find peace and quiet, but when you come to Adoration, I put your mind at ease, and I bring peace to your soul. Be thankful that I am your oasis of grace and peace. If people spent more time visiting Me at Adoration, they would find more purpose to their lives, and they would stop wasting so much time on worldly concerns of no value. Continue to seek out My places of Light where you can find rest for your soul.”

Source: ➥