Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012


Friday, June 15, 2012: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Jesus said: “My people, this feast of My Sacred Heart is the first of the Two Hearts of My Blessed Mother and Myself. You know that I am Love itself, and your images of My Heart represent the seat of love that you have as humans. A beating heart represents life, and the eternal flame in My picture also represents how I have a burning love for all of you as a perpetual fire. I have shown you many scenes in the Gospel that expressed My love for people in healing their physical afflictions. In the Gospel of today you see My death on the cross as My greatest act of love for mankind, so I could bring salvation to your souls and free you from the bonds of your sins. You are all My creations, and I desire that all of you will seek Me out of love so you can be with Me in heaven. I give all of you free will to love Me because I do not force Myself on you. I desire that you love Me of your own free will, and that you will want to serve Me as Master of your life. By loving Me, you can also love My Blessed Mother because our hearts are joined together as one. Be thankful that you are temples of the Holy Spirit because He gives life to your body and your soul. I want My people to love Me with an agape love which is a spiritual love of God beyond your filial love for other human beings. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, and you can nurture your personal love relationship with My Sacred Heart.”

(The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus) Jesus said: “My people, as I look out at all the hearts of My people, I see a lock on each heart. It is My people that need to unlock their hearts from the inside that will open their heart so I can enter. If a person is focused only on themselves, and they are not open to Me, then I cannot enter that soul and that heart. It is only by your giving of your will over to My Divine Will, that I can enter your heart and share My joy with you in the grace of My sacraments. So listen for My call, and you can open your heart to Me so we can be one heart. In this way you can join My Blessed Mother and the Blessed Trinity as we are all one together in spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Sacred Heart is always open, just as you have some churches always open to access My tabernacle.”

Source: ➥