Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012:
Jesus said: “My son, these readings are very appropriate for you because you have to deal with people and family in your hometown as well. The word ‘prophet’ can be used to mean teacher, or it can mean your situation where you are receiving messages from Me. I have told you before that you need to stay close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass, and Communion. Coming to Me in Adoration and at Mass has enabled Me to share My messages with you. I am showing you a dark room as a confessional because being humble and coming to frequent Confession are also a part of your life. Some people may criticize you for My words in My messages because they do not believe that I am giving them to you, or they are offended with the words. It is not easy to live a holy life, so you need to work on your actions to give good example. I was rejected in My hometown, and many times My words of changing people’s lives were hard to accept because it means giving up sinful pleasures. Giving messages on the end times of the Antichrist and refuges is even harder for people to accept, but it is the mission that I am calling you to do in order to prepare souls for the coming tribulation. Many things that you have warned people about, are happening now, and they cannot be denied. Stay true to your mission of telling people how to follow My Commandments of love in order to save souls. Many prophets have been criticized, and I have asked you not to make any defense, but believe in My words. Some prophets have even had to hide from being killed because the people do not want to hear My words of judgment against their country for its sins. Preaching a message of repentance is not going to be a popular message, but it is still a message which you need to keep proclaiming, even if your life is threatened. Call on your angel and My angels to protect you at your talks and in your travel. I thank you for answering My call to this ministry.”
Jesus said: “My people, this year the Olympics will be held in London, England. (July 27 to August 12) Already some terrorists have been captured with weapons. This vision of an attack once the Olympics are underway, is a plan by several terrorist cells to disrupt the Olympics and kill some people. They will try to deploy explosives wherever they can find a weak link in the heightened security. This is not the first time that such attacks have been made. Several incidents have occurred at other Olympic sites in previous years. Metal detectors and some search devices may be used to check people entering where the games are played. You have seen bombs in buses and other transportation before, so attacks could come from many directions. Security for so many people will be a major undertaking. Pray that any possible terrorists could be stopped from killing anyone.”
Source: ➥