Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I healed many people of various diseases and afflictions, and this was amazing to the people of Israel. When I showed My power over the demons, the people had more trouble in understanding My power as the Son of God. They even accused Me of being the prince of demons, but I told them that Satan’s kingdom would fall if it was so divided. Some of the people could not understand how a man could have power over the evil spirits. They did not realize that I was God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. All things, people, and spirits are under My power and authority. The evil spirits know who I am, and they sometimes even admitted this in words that people could hear, but I rebuked them. Healing people, raising people from the dead, multiplying food, calming the storms, and even resurrecting from the dead are all signs of My power as God. Many came to believe in Me because of the miracles that I performed. My main mission was to bring salvation to all souls by My eventual sacrifice on the cross. I taught My apostles in My sermons and parables of how to live a life worthy of heaven in obeying My Commandments. I sent My apostles out to preach the Good News of My Resurrection and salvation by My sacrifice. I even mentioned in today’s Gospel to pray to the harvest master in Me to send out more laborers to harvest the souls for heaven. My people of today also need to pray for vocations to the priesthood. I call many souls to the religious life, and you need to nurture and encourage these men, instead of rejecting their call by having them seek other earthly professions. My priests and lay ministers are helping to direct souls to conversion, so encourage these people to bring souls to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people both in your country and abroad that depend on your corn crop and other grains. The hot temperatures are drying out your crops, and with a lower rainfall many crops are going to be lost without irrigation to provide water. If the output of crops is low, then there will be rationing to all the customers. If you start to see a famine or food shortage, this will fit the world famine that I have tried to prepare you for. Those, who have food, should share it with their relatives and friends. The problem will come when some people cannot get their own food, and they will try and steal it from others or from their fields. This is where violence with guns will make it dangerous for the lives of My faithful. If you are not threatened, then I will multiply your food while you are at your homes. If people start killing for food, then it will be time to come to My refuges for protection. Have no fear because there will always be enough to eat for all of My faithful who come to My refuges. Again, food will be multiplied at My refuges so you will not go hungry, even with a world famine. As your crops are endangered, you will appreciate the value of your farmers more, and the sun and rain that I provide to grow your crops. Pray for your farmers, and pray that the people will find enough food to survive.”
Source: ➥