Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Sunday, January 27, 2013:

Jesus said: “My people, these symbols in the vision are very meaningful for this point in time. The hourglass with the sand running out is a sign that the time for going to the refuges is coming soon. The oil lamp is a sign for having light at the refuges because most refuges will not have electricity. I have asked people at the refuges to have extra bedding, blankets, food, and fuel for living independently. This preparation is represented in the symbol of the five wise virgins who had extra oil to keep their lamps burning. At My refuges I will have My angels protect you with an invisible shield. They will also multiply your food, water, and fuel for heat and light. You will also have My luminous cross in the sky where My faithful can look on it and be healed of all of their ailments. Even the dormitories will be multiplied so everyone will have a place to stay. Give thanks and praise to Me for providing My protection for My faithful during the tribulation time of the Antichrist.”

Source: ➥