Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Thursday, October 24, 2013: (St. Anthony Claret)

Jesus said: “My people, in the reading from St. Paul to the Romans he proclaimed: ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life everlasting in Christ Jesus Our Lord.’ (Romans 6:23) It is important to realize that satisfying the body’s cravings in sinful behavior, will take you away from the One you love. Do not offend Me with such things, when you could be showing Me your love in obedience to My Commandments. These earthly pleasures are fleeting, and they only will draw you to repeat these sins. You will never have peace in sin because I am the only One who can bring peace to your soul. In the Gospel I spoke of bringing division between your family members. This is not an intended division because I truly want My people to be united in love of Me. But when I bring My love and a desire for your obedience to My laws, not all of your family members will believe, and have a strong love for Me. Some will be weak, and they may not come to Sunday Mass, nor frequent Confession. If you truly love Me, you will seek to avoid sinful behavior, and seek My forgiveness when you fall into sin. Keeping a pure soul requires some spiritual effort, and not all of your members may be willing to make this commitment. So those of you who are faithful, could be at odds with those who do not love Me. This is another sign of the battle of good against evil. Strive to be a good example to the weak souls, and work to convince them that following Me will bring them eternal life in heaven.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, there are plans to repair the Capitol building where the Congress conducts its business. Some of your people would say your government is in need of repair because of the major gridlock that is occurring over many issues in your Congress. I understand that some people are against Obamacare because the government is forcing everyone to buy health insurance. The start of this huge program has had a lot of problems in signing up with some computer problems. Now, your Health Department is giving you a month or so reprieve from paying any penalties. This program needs a major repair as well, and the people have yet to see what premiums they will be paying.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people do not like the fact that everyone is not treated fairly with Obamacare. The big businesses, Congress, and the unions are getting special waivers that allowed a one year delay in implementing Obamacare. Small businesses and other individuals do not have waivers, and they are having problems signing up for this health insurance. It appears that this whole program should be postponed until the sign up problems are corrected.”

Jesus said: “My dear son, ever since you elected to journal My messages, you have been storing these messages in a large binder so you can have easy access to showing people. You also type them up, and you send them to your spiritual director every two weeks. This requires a lot of typing, and you have been faithful to this labor of love that provides a digital form for the internet and the books at Queenship Publishing Company. I thank you for all that you are doing to fulfill this mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, the rain acts as a prism which breaks down your white light into many different colors. This rainbow shows red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This was a covenant given to Noah after the flood that stated I will not bring such a flood on the world again. There are other covenants that I have made such as promising mankind a Redeemer which was fulfilled in My death on the cross. I am faithful to My Word, and I would like a similar promise by man to be faithful to following

My Commandments. I have given you the sacrament of Penance to make reparation for when you disobey My laws. See My love in everything that I do to bring your souls to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a political battle going on between those who favor abortion, and those who are fighting to save the babies in the womb from being killed by abortion. Your Right to Life groups are run mostly by volunteers and what donations they can get from the people. This is a small amount of money compared to taxpayer money that goes to Planned Parenthood. You can add your voice as an advocate for the defenseless little babies in the womb that they may be protected from being killed.”

Jesus said: “My people, the death culture is sponsored by Satan and those who worship him. Many of the high levels of masons and other one world groups actually worship Satan and take his orders to kill man. These people are the ones killing babies in abortion, killing older people with euthanasia, killing your people in wars, and they are killing people with viruses and vaccines. This is why it is hard to fight them in their evil deeds because they have money and political power on their side. My people have Me on their side, and I will open doors so they can be effective in fighting these evil ones who do everything for money as their god.”

Jesus said: “My faithful pilgrims, you will be embarking on another pilgrimage to these old mission churches in California. You remember the first message that I gave you at the beginning of your trip which asked for prayers for those who would be killed in the coming earthquakes. You are doing special Masses of reparation for this same cause. Continue praying for all those who are killed in disasters when these souls are not fully prepared to meet Me at their judgment. With your continuous prayers and Masses, I will have mercy on such souls who did not have time to purify their souls beforehand.”

Source: ➥