Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Tuesday, April 22, 2014:

Jesus said: “My people, Mary Magdalen was blessed to be the first person to see Me in My glorified Body, which is why she did not recognize Me until I called her name. I told her to tell My apostles of My Resurrection, as they came to the tomb to see for themselves. This is the ‘Good News’ of My salvation that I died for all of mankind’s sins, and I resurrected to show My victory over sin and death. Death had no hold on Me because My power is greater. I offer all the people an opportunity to be with Me in heaven, and to be resurrected with their bodies at the last judgment. All of the angels and saints are singing Alleluia in joy to commemorate My Resurrection on Easter Sunday. This is also celebrated in nature with spring’s flowers and longer days. As your temperatures remain above freezing, you are all joyful to be able to work in your yards again. Your spirit also is joyful in this Easter Season, as you are filled with My grace and My Real Presence. Enjoy being close to Me as you read about all the conversions in the Acts of the Apostles.”

Jesus said: “My people of America, I have mentioned before how in many ways you are losing your Constitutional rights because of your President’s Executive Orders. These stories of losing your rights do not make headlines in your newspapers, but your President is usurping your Congress’ powers every time he writes Executive Orders that go around your laws. There is virtually no oversight by Congress to stop this grab for power. The Congress and the courts are silent about this takeover of your government by your Executive Branch. The balance of powers between your three branches of government was set up by your Constitution, and it is being violated. Yet, there is little outcry for this injustice. I have said before how your sins are bringing America down, and you will be taken over by the one world people. If your people do not stand up for their rights, then they will lose them by their inactivity. Do not complain of your lost rights when you did not fight to keep them. All of your rights are being taken away one by one, without you even realizing it. You will soon be coming to My refuges when your physical and spiritual persecution will become life threatening.”

Source: ➥