Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, some of you have been to see the Upper Room in Jerusalem where I appeared to My apostles. I did not come through the door, but I instantly appeared to them in the flesh. They were incredulous with joy to see Me again. I showed them My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side. I even ate some baked fish to show them that I was not a ghost, but I truly resurrected in the flesh. I then shared the prophecies about Me in the writings of the prophets. I tried to help them understand that it was My plan to die for the sins of all mankind on My cross, and to rise on the third day. Before the coming of the Holy Spirit, My apostles had a hard time understanding what rising from the dead meant. I had brought some people back to life, but no one has raised himself from the dead alone. My Resurrection was truly a miracle, but it was further proof of My Divinity, that death could have no hold on Me. In this first visit, St. Thomas was not present, and he doubted My Resurrection until he could place his finger into My wounds. Only then did he believe. But blessed are those faithful who still believe without seeing Me in person.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many sacred objects that are connected with My suffering on earth. This one object in Bruges, Belgium contains a vial of My Most Precious Blood. One of the miracles associated with this vial, is that at times the blood liquefies. In this morning’s Gospel I was showing My apostles My five wounds, and I ate some fish to show them that I was in the flesh. At first they thought I was a ghost because I did not come through the door. Once they examined My wounds, they knew that I was not a ghost, but a person in the flesh.”
Jesus said: “My people, some have seen the spiritual power of My true cross in silencing demons. It is also used to pray over people for their healing. My true cross is a relic to be treasured as a weapon in defending people from the evil ones. It has also been used in exorcisms, as it burns the demons. Give thanks that you have such weapons in fighting the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My people, these miracles of My Eucharist occurred when blood came out on the consecrated Host. These miracles were meant to show non-believers in My Real Presence that My Blood is truly present in the Host. At Los Teques, Venezuela there is a consecrated Host covered more than half with blood that can be seen. In Lanciano, Italy there is real heart tissue without any rigor mortis, and crystals of blood that analyzed as AB blood type. This miracle happened in 1300. Many scientists were astounded on examining the flesh and blood that had been changed from the bread and wine.”
Jesus said: “My people, the relics of the saints are also powerful, as many of the saints died as martyrs for their faith. See the lives of the saints as role models for My faithful to follow and imitate. When you witness such relics and venerate them, they become an inspiration for your own lives. You will soon see Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II canonized as saints in a ceremony in Rome. Miracles have been brought forth as witnesses to the sanctity of these Popes, who you love so dearly.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host that you are adoring tonight in the monstrance. You are drawn to be with Me in Holy Communion and before My tabernacle as you give testimony to your belief in My Real Presence. This gift of Myself in My Blessed Sacrament is the greatest sacramental gift that I could leave with you at every Mass. Give praise, thanks, and Adoration for Me, as I am always in your presence.”
Jesus said: “My people, those, who have had the opportunity to visit Israel, are very fortunate to see their Bibles come alive, as they visit the places mentioned in the Gospels. Once you have been to the Sea of Galilee, and the Holy Sepulcher where I died and resurrected, you are very appreciative of such a trip. You also went to the Upper Room where I celebrated the First Mass at the Last Supper. At times it is dangerous to travel in the Holy Lands, but it is a blessing for all who could experience where I walked and lived.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Resurrection is the Good News of My salvation for all souls who accept Me. I am giving all of My faithful a message of hope that there is more to your lives after you die. Those, who obey My laws and love Me and their neighbors, are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. You will first see a glorious time in My Era of Peace. Later, at the final judgment, My faithful will be joined both body and soul for all eternity. Rejoice that your short time of suffering here on earth will be rewarded in the glory of heaven. Have patience because this life is passing away quickly.”
Source: ➥