Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, June 27, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014: (Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Two Hearts)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of Our Two Hearts with My Blessed Mother, is a special feast time for the month of June. When you honor My Most Sacred Heart, it is all about your love for Me, and My love for you. My Heart was pierced on the cross, as I willingly gave up My life for My people, so My sacrifice could atone for your sins. What greater love could one have, than to give up My life for all of you? This is why you should have My large crucifix on your altars, to remind you of My great love. Some churches also have statues of My Sacred Heart, just as your Cathedral is named after Me. You know My Sacred Heart is joined with My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart because we are one heart together. We also want your hearts to join us as well. I am grateful to all those people who promote the devotion to My Sacred Heart.”
Jesus said: “My people, on this feast day of My Most Sacred Heart, your priest makes a good point of how My people need to return your love to Me. By imitating My life and living My Commandments of love, you will be on the right path to heaven. It is by giving your will over to My Divine Will that you can fulfill the mission that I have for you. Use the talents that I have given you to share with others in providing for their needs. Most importantly, you need to share your faith with others to bring them into the faith taught by My apostles. Converting souls and saving them from hell, is your most important goal. I died on the cross to bring salvation to all of mankind. But I call each soul to accept Me in love, and believe in My Gospels. I give you the words of eternal life to follow, and I offer you My Body and Blood as your spiritual nourishment. Make time for Me in your daily prayers, and come to Confession often to keep your soul cleansed of sin. Come to Sunday Mass and daily Mass if you can, so you can receive your daily spiritual bread of My consecrated Host. Let Me be the center of your life, and do everything out of love for Me. By showing Me your love in this way, you will surely be with Me in everlasting life in heaven.”
Source: ➥