Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014


Monday, June 30, 2014: (The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church)

Jesus said: “My people, it is hard for My faithful souls to understand how the worldly people and the lukewarm do not even think of Me. You know of My love, and you know what it means when I tell you that without Me, you are nothing. You now can feel a little of My frustration with so many people who do not know Me, and they are not even searching for My peace. I gave man free will to love Me or not, and it is sad that so many people do not love Me. My faithful lovers are a sweet consolation to My love. I do not force Myself on people, but you can see how much the people need to be shaken up with My Warning experience. The evil on earth is so great that it is calling on My justice very soon. The events of these final days are slowly reaching a climax that will bring about My Warning. Keep praying for the re-conversion of the lukewarm, and reach out to evangelize the souls who do not know Me.”

(Funeral service for a young lady at Webster Cemetery) Jesus said: “My people, this lady shared her love with her friends and relatives, but I was not very much in her life. Your Divine Mercy Chaplet for her, touched My Heart, and I spared any judgment to hell. Continue to pray for her soul, and have Masses said for her. There is a battle waged for souls. So if a soul does not have a prayer advocate, that soul could be lost to hell if the soul ignores My love. Be thankful that this soul was snatched out of the demons’ hands. She will be watching over her family and friends, and she loves all of you. She thanks all of those people who came to her funeral.”

Jesus said: “My people, in any number of sports, you usually go through training and practice so you can be prepared in your sport, as the runners were training for their race in the vision. This is true in your spiritual life as well. You may commit a sin in your everyday life, but you can confess it in Confession. You need to remember and learn from your mistakes, so you do not repeat the same mistake. Your training to be a good Christian also includes your daily prayer life, and maybe some mental exercises of remembering to help people without being asked. It may also include daily Mass and frequent Confession. You could even include some fasting and contemplative prayer in silence. By your love for Me and your good deeds, people can truly call you a good Christian, and recognize you as a Christian by your actions and your love. You need to keep in good training by practicing and living your faith every day.”

Source: ➥