Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014


Monday, October 20, 2014:

Jesus said: “My people, your Gospa group has presented you with a beautiful weekend at the Luminous Cross in Thermal, California. You have been given many graces from the conference speakers that have enlightened your minds and hearts. You need to give thanks to Me and thanks to all the people who have prepared for this conference. This Gospa ministry has required prayers and contributions to keep it going. Those, who have been helped by this ministry, should desire to give thanks by helping to support this ministry with as much as you could donate. You are seeing in the Gospel how all of your wealth and possessions have been given to you from Me. You are only stewards of My gifts, so be willing to share your gifts with others. Do not be selfish with your money because soon your money will be taken from you. America has been given many gifts of wealth and freedom, but your many sins of abortion and sexual sins are calling on My justice. Your desire for pleasures and riches have blinded you from your true mission of doing My Will. Because you have made these things into idols or gods, you worship worldly things more than Me. This is why I will bring a chastisement upon America because many of you have lost your spiritual way. My coming Warning will wake you up to know that I am in charge of the world. You need to repent of your sins and convert your lives to follow Me, or you could be on the road to hell. See My Light and come to your Lord who loves you, because I do not want to lose one soul. When you repent and follow Me, you will have your reward in heaven.”

Source: ➥