Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a lot of lights in your church now, because soon these lights will be off forever, when the evil ones will close your churches. You are happy to receive Me in Holy Communion now, but soon you will have to receive Me in the homes, and then in My refuges. Many do not want to hear these hard things now, but what you are seeing in Arab countries with Christians being killed, will soon be happening in America. Whether you like it or not, the Christian persecution will spread all over the world, as the Antichrist will take over. You are fortunate that I have some faithful building refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones, who want to kill you. Trust in My protection, and keep your soul pure in case you are martyred.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you look at yourself in a mirror, you are seeing how you appear to others. People can see your manner of dress as some description of who you are. During Lent, it is good to examine your actions and how you could change your sinful ways into a holier life. You can start by noticing if anything controls you in bad habits. You can also look at your most frequently confessed sins as a place to improve your spiritual life. Try to imitate My life or the lives of the saints, if you are looking for good role models. Each year you need to make a spiritual assessment if you have improved, stayed the same, or if you are worse than last year. By making plans to improve your life, you need to improve every year so you can work toward your perfection in sainthood. By striving for perfection, you can also strive for the higher levels of heaven.”
Source: ➥