Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Saturday, April 25, 2015: (St. Mark the Evangelist)

Jesus said:“My people, the Church and I give approval of the Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo Mass. This Latin Mass is the same Mass which you attended for many years, but now you have the Mass in the vernacular of the language of each country. I still am very pleased with the reverence and holiness of My Latin Mass. The Mass is a blessing for you, and the gift of My Blessed Sacrament which you receive in Holy Communion, nourishes you and sustains you through life’s trials. I only ask that you receive My consecrated Host without mortal sin on your soul, because you are receiving My Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine. In these Easter readings you are seeing the importance of sharing My Gospel message of My Good News of My salvation in My death and Resurrection. It is this belief in Me that I want My disciples to spread throughout the nations, making converts wherever you go. Souls can only enter heaven through Me, and all souls, who enter, need to repent of their sins and accept Me as their Savior and Lord over their lives. Following My Commandments and doing My Will the best that you can, is the holy life that I call all souls to lead. Give praise and glory to Me, just as My angels do constantly. My son, give thanks to Me for your guardian angel, Mark, whose namesake is honored in your feast today of St. Mark the Evangelist.”

Source: ➥