Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Saturday, May 2, 2015: (Jeane Smith’s Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, today you celebrate the life of Jeane Smith at her funeral Mass.  She is happy to see all of you, and she is sorry that she had to leave you.  She loves her husband and family, and she thanks her friends for coming to give their respects.  Many of you are happy to be at your old church of Holy Name.  Jeane is in heaven with Me, and she was grateful for the beautiful words about her.  She will be praying for all of her family and friends, and she will be watching over you.  Remember to call on her as a prayer intercessor.”

(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My son, when you were out taking pictures, you were experiencing the beauty of My creation in the flowers, the flowering trees, and the singing birds.  Spring is a beautiful season to see new life after a long, hard winter.  Many of your plants are coming out a few weeks later than normal in your area.  Today’s Gospel speaks of Me as the Vine, and you are the branches.  Some people do not realize that everything they have, has come from My gracious bounty of gifts.  You are dependent on Me for all of your needs.  The important lesson of today is to learn about coming to Me in heaven, by asking the forgiveness of your sins, and performing good works to help your neighbor.  Those people, who are selfish and ignore Me, are the branches who separate themselves from Me, and they will  wither and be thrown into the fire of hell to be burned up forever.  By following My Will, you will have your reward to see an even more beautiful heaven, with the constant singing of My angels.”

Source: ➥