Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, July 20, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015: (St. Apollinaris)
Jesus said: “My people, how quickly the Israelites forgot about all the miracles that were performed that allowed their freedom from Pharaoh. It was the killing of all the firstborn children of the Egyptians that broke the resolve of Pharaoh to let the slaves go. Then again in the desert I led the people through the Red Sea on dry land. As the Egyptians pursued the Israelites, the soldiers were drowned as the sea flowed back to its normal level. These were great miracles that the Jews remember to this day. It is the faith in My protection that came to the Israelites’ aid when they needed My help. Even today, My faithful have to have faith that I can protect them from any demons, or the attacks of the one world people. This is why I will provide you My protection at My refuges, because you have faith in My help. In the Gospel I told the people how I would lie in the tomb for three days before My Resurrection, just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. I also told them that Jonah’s account of repenting was the only sign that I would give the people. They saw many of My miracles, and they still would not believe in Me. I told them that I was greater than Jonah and King Solomon. Sometimes the people of today are also looking for signs, but I perform miracles in their lives every day that they do not always recognize.”
Jesus said: “My people, ‘Freedom’ means different things to different people. If you lived in a communist country, freedom would mean you were no longer controlled by the government. If you lived in chronic pain, freedom would mean being free from pain as at My refuges or in the Era of Peace. If you were stressed by evil people or demon possession, freedom would mean being free of evil. If you were suffering souls in purgatory, freedom would mean being released from purgatory into heaven. Heaven should be your ideal goal when you are finally free of your bodily weaknesses to sin. Even the Era of Peace would be free of evil and sickness. Living at My refuges would also be free of sickness and persecution. Living in America is free of communist control, but it is still corrupted by the one world people. You can offer up all of your troubles and sicknesses to Me, and I will store your merits in heaven. You are fortunate that this life is brief, but you can try to do everything for Me and My greater glory. Once you come to My Era of Peace, you will be living as I meant life to be for man. Strive to be in the higher levels of heaven, and you will be totally satisfied in your soul and in your spirit.”
Source: ➥