Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 4, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015: (St. Damascene)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how the blind men believed in faith that I could heal them. Because of their faith, they were healed, and they gave glory and thanks to God. It is one thing to be able to see physically, but it is even more glorious to have the eyes of faith, so you can appreciate knowing and loving your Creator. Those people, who have a gift of faith, can see how I am the center of their lives, and they need to follow My mission for their lives. Having faith also means that you need to share My love, by sharing and evangelizing others to the faith. Even as you receive Me in My Eucharist, you need to taste and see how good I am to you in life. You receive many blessings from Me, so you can overcome all of life’s problems. So rejoice in this Advent season, and keep your soul pleasing to Me by frequent Confession, as you seek My forgiveness of your sins. It can be challenging to admit your sins, but I welcome all sinners to come to Me to be freed of the bonds of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are hearing some passages from St. Faustina’s diary for your meditations. You could be doing some extra spiritual reading for Advent, such as reading from this Diary to help you appreciate how the saints see Me. Following the lives of the saints can be a good example to follow. This will help you improve your spiritual life, which is how you can keep striving for your perfection to be ready for heaven. Trying to gain in holiness should be everyone’s goal, but if you do not take steps to improve, then you will be staying in the same place. Even if you just read a few pages at a time, this will give you some insight on how saints dealt with life’s problems. Their experiences may help you as well.”
Source: ➥