Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016: (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Jesus said: “My people, it is not what you expel from your body that makes you unclean, but it is the evil that comes from the heart through your speech and your actions that makes you unclean. It is by the consent of your free will to do evil things, that you are held responsible for your sins. You have your guardian angel who prompts you to do good things, and it is the devil who prompts you to do sinful things. You have a constant battle going on every day between your body’s sinful desires, and your soul’s desires to follow Me. It takes spiritual courage and fortitude to abide by My laws for your life, because they are usually hard for the body to accept. When you live holy lives, you are also criticized by worldly people. Do not be concerned if you offend others with My ways, because you are not conforming to what is politically correct. It is better for you to obey Me, than to obey men. My ways are always better than your ways. It is not easy to follow Me, but I want you to have a clean heart so only good deeds will come out in your actions. Even if you should falter, I will forgive your sins in Confession. So call on My help every day to focus on My ways, and you will be on the right road to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, others do not realize how much of a sacrifice it is to travel long distances twice a month. You have people pay for your travel, but it does take some stamina to carry your bags, and to wait in airports most of two days coming and going. Remember to pray your long form of the St. Michael prayer for safe travel going both ways. You could also invite your prayer group members to pray for your safe travel, and a good reception for your talks.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen both parties struggling to choose their candidates. The debates are showing you where they stand on the issues. You have a lot of differences between the candidates and the two parties. Your one party is supporting abortion and very liberal views compared to the other party. Pray that your leaders will do what is best for your country.”
Jesus said: “My son, in addition to your books and DVDs, I have asked you to give out rosaries, rosary leaflets, scapulars, Divine Mercy leaflets, Confession preparations, and St. Michael long form prayers. Since you do not make money on your books and DVDs, you use any donations to pay for these handouts. You give a good example to others in helping their prayer lives. These sacramentals are your weapons against the evil demons. You also have advised people to buy St. Benedictine blessed crosses as an exorcism protection against temptations. You could also use blessed salt, holy water, and your holy oil from the weeping statues for healing prayers.”
Camille said: “Hello everyone, I have not had many words in a long time. Thank you for tending our grave sites for Lydia and myself. I also want to thank you for putting up the old crucifix in your chapel, since it was a family treasure. I know you are thinking more of selling our house, but you really need to get working harder to clean it out and get it ready for sale. You are spending a lot of money and efforts to keep it up that is not necessary. I will be praying for all of you to come to Mass, and to sell the house.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been good at praying your Stations of the Cross on Fridays, and you use your Adoration DVD at times in the chapel when it is late or hard to get to My Blessed Sacrament. You could pray your rosaries more in the chapel because you will have more graces in this holy place. Your chapel has been a blessing, and there truly is a holy presence there. My angels are guarding your chapel from any harm because it will be a place of Adoration of My Host during the tribulation. You also know how your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, is also guarding your chapel. Give thanks to Me for bringing this about.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you see evil getting worse, and events in your finances moving toward a crash, you know that I will bring My Warning before any serious crash. Once you see bankruptcies coming, I will have you leave your homes for the safety of My refuges. When the money crashes and food is scarce, there will be riots in the streets to find food, and your lives will be in danger. Trust in Me to give all sinners one last chance to be saved in My Warning, before the Antichrist is allowed his reign. You will need My angel protection from the evil ones who want to kill you.”
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a great time for prayer and fasting that can help strengthen your souls. It lasts longer than Advent, so you have a longer time to keep your intentions of your sacrifices in line. Use this Lent for extra time in spiritual reading and Bible study. I have asked you to look harder at buying some DVDs or audio tapes so you could listen while you are traveling. In every day you have a little spare time, so make the best use of your time, especially during your Lenten Season.”
Source: ➥