Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016: (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are revisiting your trip to Jerusalem when you saw the place where the Roman soldiers crowned Me with a crown of thorns. You then remembered how your group carried a cross along the Via Dolorosa. You also visited the Holy Sepulcher where the place of My crucifixion is honored, and also there was the tomb where I later resurrected. At another time you visited the upper room where I had the Last Supper with My apostles. Today’s vestments are red to honor the Passion of My death. This is the beginning of Holy Week that honors My death and Resurrection. You read the Passion account right after the people were celebrating with Me in waving the palms. The people loved Me for all of My healing miracles, but the Pharisees could not accept that I am the Son of the Living God. They called for My crucifixion because they claimed I was committing blasphemy. In actuality I am truly the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, but I was not accepted as God’s Son. You also have to suffer your Good Friday in this life, so you can be gifted with your own resurrection at the final judgment. Rejoice at the end of Holy Week when you will celebrate Easter Sunday with My rising from the dead.”
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you an American football with the laces to remind you of what I told you about how the Warning would come most likely during the football season. I will bring My Warning before the major events that could threaten your lives. After the Warning you will have six weeks of time for conversions. During the Warning, you will have a life review, much like a near dear experience. After your life review, you will have a mini-judgement to heaven, purgatory, or hell to show you how your life’s actions are leading you to your destination. Once you are placed back into your body, you will have a chance to change your life toward heaven. During the Warning you will be told to avoid taking any chip in the body, and to not worship the Antichrist, or else you could be controlled, and you could be sent to hell. When I will give you an interior message to leave your home for My refuge, leave as quickly as possible. You will see a frightening body in the sky on the day of the Warning, followed by signs of the Antichrist’s coming. Be prepared to leave for My refuges because the events this year could cause a need to be there.”
Source: ➥