Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016: (Anna Fallone Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, at every funeral there is a grieving of loss of a loved one. As you view the body in the casket, you realize how short your life is here on earth. The days and years pass you by, and you barely sense that you are aging. You see your hair getting grey and then white, and your face and skin change slowly. Your life is almost compared to a flower. You sprout up and look young and beautiful in your blooming. Then your flower withers and dies, and you are returned to the dust of the earth. During your life, you are to bear fruit in your faith, and you can share your faith by converting other souls to the faith. Bringing souls to Me is your best gift of your life. Praying and giving worship to Me is another way of thanking Me for all the gifts that I have given to you in life. You all should be striving to be with Me in heaven one day. You all are appointed to die because of Adam’s sin. You can only come to heaven through Me when you die. So have your soul purified and prepared to meet Me at your judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in dangerous times, and the devil’s evil is all around you. Do not be fearful because My power is greater than all of the demons. When you feel depressed or the devil is attacking you, then call on Me and I will have My angels come and protect you. Even if you do not call on Me, your guardian angel is close to help you. The demons play on your fears, worries, and anxieties, so do not let these things control your lives. Pray your daily prayers to help sinners, and share your faith in making new converts. Strive to do as many good works for people as you can, and you can store your treasure in heaven to balance off your sins at your judgment.”
Source: ➥