Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, July 25, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016: (St. James, Vigil of St. Anne)
St. Anne said: “My dear grandchildren, I am your grandmother, and the grandmother of Jesus. I was blessed in my older years to conceive and bear my daughter, Mary, with an Immaculate Conception without original sin. I thank your priest for pointing out the beautiful images in this church of how I brought up my daughter, Mary, in the faith. This same Jewish faith was then passed on, as the Blessed Virgin Mary taught Jesus. I want to thank all of my grandchildren who were persistent in all of the days of the novena that they made in my honor. I thank all of the people who came and walked in the processions. Do not be concerned about the numbers of people who come, but give thanks for all of the pilgrims who came to honor my feast day, and who traveled long distances to get here. I bless all of you and I will give all of your petitions to my grandson, Jesus. As you return home, I will be guarding you for safe travel. Many of you have my statues at home, so when you are praying your rosaries, remember me in making your petitions as your intercessor. You always see me with my Blessed daughter, Mary, because our hearts are one with Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see all the pilgrims with their candles as they honor St. Anne’s feast day. I want to thank St. Anne and My Blessed Mother for carrying out their part in My plan for your salvation. They were part of the descendants from King David who allowed Me to be called the ‘Son of David’. The biggest celebration has been My Resurrection from the dead, where My sacrifice on the cross has given all souls an opportunity to be saved. Welcome Me into your hearts as you repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. You are honoring My grandmother, St. Anne, on her feast day, so remember to pray to her as your intercessor for prayer.”
Source: ➥