Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, August 15, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016: (The Assumption of Mary into heaven)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, the Church is honoring my feast day today as I was graced by Jesus to be assumed into heaven. I love all of my children, and you honor Me, but you worship my Son, Jesus. My Son and I are joined as one in our two hearts. The priest is right that I was sinless, and I did not suffer all the consequences of Adam and Eve’s original sin. One of these consequences is death in the grave, but Our Lord did not allow me to suffer corruption in the grave. Instead I was assumed into heaven with body and soul. In the reading it said that death will be the last enemy that my Son will conquer. All of heaven is rejoicing on my feast day. On the last day of judgment, my faithful children will also be joined with their body and soul. I commend your priest for giving respect to my Son by giving Holy Communion on the tongue and the people were kneeling. This also honors my Son’s Real Presence in the consecrated Host. There have been attempts to take away the reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. So stand up for your beliefs in the Church’s teachings. Continue to pray your daily rosaries, and wear my scapulars of protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is a special feast of My Blessed Mother’s Assumption into heaven. In the Gospel you see St. John the Baptist stirring in Elizabeth’s womb to announce My coming. I was present in My Blessed Mother’s womb to greet St. John. I chose My Blessed Mother from all women, and I prepared her to be free of original sin. She also was sinless in life, and she was the perfect Ark of the Covenant so she could carry Me for nine months. Our hearts are always joined as one, and it was her fiat ‘yes’ that made her My co-redemptrix for the salvation of all humanity. She is the most Blessed Mother to live in My Divine Will without sin. This is why she is a perfect model to follow, so she can lead you to heaven through Me. She is also a perfect intercessor for your petitions because I always listen to My Blessed Mother’s requests for prayer. She offers you to pray the fifteen decade rosary each day which is modeled after the 150 Psalms. She also offers you her protection with wearing her scapular, and she will help you to gain heaven after your death. Give honor to My Blessed Mother for saying ‘yes’ to St. Gabriel to be the handmaid of the Lord.”
Source: ➥