Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 26, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday. August 26, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, before you bring your gift to the altar, you need to go and seek the forgiveness of those people who you have harmed or insulted. Once you have made a proper preparation for Mass with a good Confession, then you can come and share My Eucharist at the banquet table. If you remember the Gospel reading, the wise virgins were prepared for the wedding feast because they brought oil for their lamps. The foolish virgins did not bring oil for their lamps. So when they went to buy the oil and returned, the door to the banquet was shut, and they could not enter. So it is for the people who live good lives and follow My Commandments. They repented of their sins, and I will welcome such faithful into heaven at My Banquet. Other people have not repented of their sins, and they come to heaven with empty hands, and without any good works. When these people call Lord, Lord at the gates of heaven, the door to heaven will be closed to them because they did not confess their sins, and they did not make a proper preparation for their judgment. Such lukewarm people I spew from My mouth, and they are on the road to hell.”
Source: ➥