Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday,February 8,2017:(St.Josephine Bakhita,St.Jerome Emiliani)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s first reading speaks about the Garden of Eden, where I created man from the dust, and I breathed the life spirit into the man in his soul. I also created woman from the rib of Adam as his helper. The two were instructed not to eat any fruit from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but they were able to eat from the Tree of Life. This same spirit of the soul that I placed into Adam, is the same spirit of life that I place in every conceived baby. This is why every conception is a live human being with a soul that I love. This is also why no one should attempt to kill this baby in the womb, or you are defiling yourself with murder that comes from the heart. Abortion is killing a baby, and it is against My Fifth Commandment. Such an act is a mortal sin for the mother and for those who assist in this abortion. It is even a sin to promote abortion, because you are promoting the killing of innocent, and defenseless babies. When you see the birth of My little ones, how could you think of even killing such a beautiful creation? You not only are killing babies, but you are defying My Will for the purpose of this child’s life. In the Warning the mothers of aborted children, will see the life that their child would have lived, if they were not killed. Encourage all mothers to have their children, even if they may offer them up for adoption, when they cannot take care of them. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion in your daily prayers.”
Note: Our granddaughter had a little girl making us great grandparents again.
Jesus said: “My people, because of your abortions and your sexual sins, I am showing you some future punishments that I will send against your country. You are currently witnessing damage from a tornado, and some parts of your country are seeing floods with some deaths. Now, you are seeing organized protests against everything that your President is proposing. These protests are not just because your President won his election, but the one world people are deliberately causing treasonous acts by paying people to protest, and even cause damaging riots. Their goal is not just to protest, but they want to overthrow your government for a takeover. You have never seen so many protests after an election. The one world people were going to use the opposition (Democrat) party to form a communist government, but their plans were set back by this miracle win of your new President. He is doing everything to thwart the plans of the elite, which is why they are organizing an all out battle against your current Administration. My people may have to defend themselves from the anarchist forces marching in your streets. If these battles and riots get worse, My people will need to leave for My refuges, so you can be protected from those people who want to kill you. Trust in Me to protect you at My refuges, but you will see some major disasters as punishment for your sins.”
Source: ➥