Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, after the rain of the Great Flood was over, Noah sent out birds to see if the waters had subsided. Finally, a dove came back with an olive branch in its beak, which has become a peace symbol. When the dove did not return, he opened the hatch to see that the land was appearing again. I had to evaporate the water, and store water in your aquifers so the land could appear. Once Noah brought the animals out of the ark, there was a new renewal, or a recreation of the earth with its plants and animals. Noah and his family had to repopulate the earth, and they lived a long time. In the Gospel I healed the blind man and light came into his sight as a new creation as well. There are many people walking around in spiritual blindness because they fail to see My Light of faith in their hearts and souls. These people are the ones who need to be converted to help save their souls. This is why I am constantly calling on My faithful to pray for the conversion of sinners with your evangelization efforts. When I bring My Warning, the sinners will have one last chance to wake up and see My Light in faith. If they fail to repent and accept Me in love, then they will be on the path to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, Lent gives people thoughts about repenting about their sins, praying more, Confession, making some sacrifices, fasting, and almsgiving to charities. These are good ways to help improve your spiritual lives. You are constantly being challenged by the devil’s temptations. This is why you need to build up your spiritual strength to combat your daily temptations from the devil. Fasting can be a challenge for your diet, especially not eating between meals, and if you are giving up sweets and desserts. It is a challenge of your will power over your bodily cravings. If you really try, you can live without sweets, and you do not need food between meals. Coming to frequent Confession can also be a challenge to be truthful in telling your sins to a priest. You need to make a good preparation in order to make a good Confession. During Lent you could also examine your budget to give some extra donations to your local food shelf, or to the poor through various organizations. Look at how much you spend on eating out, on entertainment, or on expensive items that are extras that you could do without. Just reallocating some spending would greatly help some charities that you could donate to in money or time. By thinking out what you could do this Lent, you could even work on some of your bad habits. By disciplining your physical and spiritual desires, you could improve your lives and please Me too. Start thinking of these ideas now so you can start Lent with a plan that you could continue for forty days.”
Source: ➥