Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, My Transfiguration was a preview of My Glorified Body after My Resurrection. On Mt. Tabor I was glorified with gleaming white clothes to show My apostles My Divine Glory before them. Moses and Elijah appeared beside Me to show that I came to fulfill the law. My heavenly Father said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ This was to show My apostles that I was sent by God the Father to offer My life on the cross to bring redemption to all sinners, who will repent and accept Me in love. This whole event was to increase the apostles’ faith in Me for St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. I told them not to tell anyone about this manifestation until after I rose from the dead. I have already died and I rose again, so you can tell everyone of this glorious event.”
“My son, you have had an unexpected gift given to you, and it was a fulfillment of what your wife’s father told you about his house. Be thankful for all that I have given you, and this is just another sign how I will help you at your refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, the invention of the wheel has been very helpful in moving things for many years. The invention of the automobile has been around for years also, and it enables you to travel large distances, and to run errands to get food or go to the bank. In years past, you had to use horses and a buckboard to move things. Cars are more convenient than horses, but they still cost a lot of money, and you are dependent on gas and oil to run them. My apostles would have had more options to evangelize people, if they lived now. My faithful have this advantage of travel, so you need to get out and evangelize souls. Your cars can also be used to help transport people to church or help your relatives and friends when they need to move things. This is another means of offering your services for charity. You have had other times when you have shared your skills and your faith. So be open to take advantage of My opportunities of grace.”
Source: ➥