Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Tuesday, March 28, 2017:

Jesus said: “My people, both readings had water mentioned, and they had to do with the cleansing of sins and the body’s sickness. At the Bethesda Pool there was a saying that once the angels stirred the water, the first one to enter the water, could be healed. This is why the lame man had difficulty to get into the water first. I asked him if he wanted to get well, so he could affirm his belief that I could heal him. Not only did I heal his body, but I healed his soul as well, and I told him not to sin. The man immediately was healed, and he carried his mat, even though it was the Sabbath. The Pharisees criticized him for carrying his mat, and later they learned that I had healed him. This further infuriated them that I healed people on the Sabbath. This cleansing water is a sign like the waters of Baptism, where the original sin of Adam is cleansed away, and the baptized people are welcomed into the Christian faith. The parents and godparents need to attend some training classes, so they can bring up the new convert in the faith. This is why you need to encourage the parents to have their newborn children baptized, so they are free of original sin, and they will later seek conversions of other souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision shows you the next step of the one world people in removing circulating cash, and changing the dollar into electronic SDRs. Many vending machines use coins or dollars, but only a few use credit cards. A cashless society would essentially crash your dollar, and you may not get much value back when the SDRs (strategic drawing rights) will become the new medium of exchange. Eventually, you will need a chip in the body to make any transactions. This will be the beginning of a world takeover with a world currency. The only real valuables will be food, gold, silver, and diamonds for barter. Even the gold could become outlawed as it was in World War II. When your money crashes, this could trigger a martial law takeover. This would be a time when I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges for protection, because you could starve without a chip in your body. You had a little practice in feeding a large group at your house, so you know what it will be like. This financial crash could come at any time, so be prepared when My faithful will come to your refuges.”

Source: ➥