Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday, April 6, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading from Genesis, I made a covenant with Abraham and his people that he would be a father of nations, and I would be their God. Then the people would have to abide by My laws and My covenant with them. You are seeing this fork in the road that represents man’s free will to obey Me or not. I call all of My people to come to Me down the narrow road, by obeying My Commandments, and allowing Me to be the Master of their lives. The people, who follow My covenant, will see their reward in heaven. The other road at the fork is called the broad road of defiance of My laws that leads to hell. Those people, who refuse to repent of their sins, and do not let Me lead their lives, are calling down My justice on them, that only leads to a path to hell. If you love Me and desire to be with Me for all eternity, then you need to take the right fork down the narrow road, and you will be joined with Me forever in peace and love. By keeping your end of My covenant, you will see Me as I AM. I will always love everyone, as I keep up My end of My covenant with man.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you in previous messages that you would see one disaster after another. You have seen high winds, snowstorms, multiple days of heavy rain, and tornadoes. Your weather has been very unusual in its severity. You are seeing damage from power outages, downed trees, and flooded basements. Some of these disasters are a punishment for your many sins. When you have severe flooding, it is very difficult for your farmers to plant their crops in muddy fields. Pray for less problems in your weather, and for people to repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a hard battle in your Senate to confirm Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. You are seeing history made with the first filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination. You are seeing further history when the 60 vote mandate for a Supreme Court candidate was changed to only a simple majority. Your court vacancy needs to be filled to break the four to four deadlock on many issues coming before the court.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing on your news all the pictures of floods and tornado damage. Many people have lost their homes, or they had to evacuate their homes to a dry location. These events can cause people to lose their jobs, as well as access to their homes. Other areas like your own, are still cleaning up downed trees and branches. You have so much tree damage that it is overwhelming your town trucks and labor, as limbs and trees have not been removed for weeks. Pray for the victims of these disasters so they can find food, water, and shelter until they could rebuild their homes. It will be hard on insurance companies, and state and national aid to clean up all of this damage.”
Jesus said: “My people, your infrastructure has suffered from storms and poorly maintained bridges, roads, and railroads. You have heard many mayors and governors seeking extra funds that are needed to pay for bridges, roads, and railroads that need repairs. It is not easy with local taxes to finance all that needs to be fixed. This is why your National government needs to help finance your infrastructure repairs. It is hard to find funds that are competing with other parts of your Budget. You are seeing this battle in your Congress. Pray for your people to have the right priorities in your National Budget to get the most needed things done.”
Jesus said: “My people, for many years your corporations have been exporting your jobs to the cheap labor of China and other countries. Many countries have taxes and restrictions on selling goods, that has caused your country to have billions of dollars in deficit of payments. This means that your imports far exceed your exports, and wealth is being drained from your country. Your President is trying to make better trade deals to keep your jobs in America. Pray for his success because your country’s economy is at stake.”
Jesus said: “My people, your previous President was trying to discourage your coal power plants with over restrictive regulations. Coal power plants produce 30% of your electricity to run your homes and factories, so it is hard to replace this need with new natural gas plants, solar and wind. Your new President has stopped this burden of regulations on coal power plants and your pipe lines. Be thankful that some changes are helping your people and their jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are coming close to Holy Week this weekend, and you need to make plans to attend as many services as you can. This is the most important week of My death on the cross in your Church Year. Try to get to Confession for this coming week, and keep up your Lenten fasting and prayers. This time of Lent has passed very fast, so make the best you can of these last weeks of Lent.”
Source: ➥