Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sunday, August 6, 2017: (Feast of the Transfiguration)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave My apostles a glimpse of My glory, and they saw Moses and Elijah with Me. St. Peter, St. James, and St. John were awed by My appearance, and they heard the voice of God the Father when He said: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ In the pictures you have seen painted of My Transfiguration, Moses was carrying the Ten Commandments, and Elijah was carrying a knife because he killed four hundred priests of Baal. I told My apostles not to tell anyone of this vision until I rose from the dead. You had your friend paint this picture of the Transfiguration because this is the scene that God the Father wanted for your Eternal Father prayer group. In your chapel you have the signs of the Burning Bush, the Alpha and Omega, and ‘ I AM WHO AM’ on your glass doors. You also have the tablets of the Ten Commandments on the wall that were given to Moses. Give praise and glory to Me for this display of My covenants.”
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to greet all of you on this feast of My Beloved Son’s Transfiguration. The three apostles were overwhelmed with this vision of Moses and Elijah. I then spoke to them: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ When the apostles looked up, only My Son was in front of them. The Ten Commandments are My laws of love of God, and love of neighbor. This is My covenant with all of mankind, and not just the Israelites. Having the Ten Commandments in your chapel is important to display My laws, and you have them well displayed on the two tablets. The large crucifix of My son on the cross is a second covenant that has brought salvation to all of mankind who accepts and loves Me. These two covenants are My plan for saving all souls. So when you listen to My Beloved Son’s words in the Gospel, you are listening to Me as well. Rejoice on this feast, especially for all of My faithful who have visited this place on Mt. Tabor.”
Source: ➥