Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017:
Jesus said: “My son, I am calling you and My other faithful to defend the faith, and reach out to evangelize souls wherever you are sent. I know you are praying to save all the souls of your family, and you have been persistent in praying for them. You could speak out to warn them that they do not have much time left, and they need to see My Light and get close to Me before the Warning comes. Today’s Gospel of going to help someone who is astray, reminds you of your experience with a priest who mentioned three times in his homily that hell was not eternal. You went back to see why he said this, and he said that God’s mercy is greater than hell’s punishment. He also said hell would eventually disappear with all the souls. I pointed you to the Catechism of the Catholic Church where it says that hell is eternal, and I told you to show this to the priest. At another time St. Michael the archangel explained to you that before man was created, he placed Satan and the demons into hell for all eternity. You told the priest again and showed him the Catechism quote, but he refused to change his story. You then were told in a message to go to a higher authority, and you reported this heresy to the local bishop of the Church. My faithful need to speak out against all heresies, no matter who says them. You first go to your brother or sister to correct them one on one, and if they refuse to change, then you go to a higher authority in the Church. This is your duty, and you will save your soul for correcting people. If your brother listens and changes his thinking, then you have won him over to save his soul. If he does not convert, then he will answer to My justice, and he could be lost. Pray for him to change so his soul could be saved. This heresy of hell is not eternal, has some great consequences, because there would be no punishment for sin, and there would have been no need for My death to save your souls from your sins. This heresy is serious, and do not ever believe that hell is not eternal, because hell will always be eternal for those judged to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a gambling wheel that you would see in a casino. Be careful not to gamble with your physical life nor your spiritual life. You are risking your physical life if you allow your body to be taken in by any addictions such as: drugs, drinking, pornography, smoking, sports, gambling, computers, cell phones, or television. Many demons control people through addictions, so do not allow the demons to control your lives. You are called to follow My plan for your life, so do not waste a lot of your time on selfish addictions. When you use up your time with too many activities, you do not allow enough time for your prayers, which is your love and communication with your Lord. Do not gamble with your soul either in your spiritual life. You have only one soul and one lifetime, so make the best use of your lives for love of Me, and love of neighbor in your prayers and good deeds. You have free will to choose Me in heaven or reject Me in hell. I desire to save all souls, and I give you every opportunity to be saved by My grace. But it is by your free will that you choose your final destination. Choose life if you want to be with Me for all eternity. Do not gamble on coming to Me later in life, but come to Me now, because you may not be alive tomorrow.”
Source: ➥