Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today in the first reading you are celebrating the Conversion of St. Paul, who was one of My most devout apostles. I called Saul, and I changed his name to Paul. After he was cured of his temporary blindness, he soon was taught by the brothers about My Resurrection and the faith. St. Paul became one of My prolific missionaries. His epistles or letters are read often at your Masses. He also became a great missionary to the Gentiles. He was able to convince the early Church to drop the requirement to have circumcision for new converts among the Gentiles. St. Paul’s conversion was a miracle in changing his ways to My ways. This is another example of how I can do the impossible in man’s eyes. The Gospel also speaks about how I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls. I gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen their healing gifts both in physical illnesses and spiritual conversion to the faith. All of My faithful have been baptized and given Confirmation, so you all have similar gifts to go out and convert souls to the faith. Pray for the conversion of sinners and reach out to others to share your faith with those souls who are open to receive Me. Pray also for those souls who are not open to Me, to have a miracle in their hearts to change their ways like St. Paul.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, preparing spaghetti and meat sauce could be an easy meal for a large group at your refuge practice run. You bought some spaghetti at one of the Mormon stores, so you would be using one of your stored foods. You may have to buy some extra sauce for a large group. This could be used for your evening meal along with your MRE meals. You will also be testing your heating equipment to keep your house warm. These trial runs will help you prepare for the coming tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you made some bread in your propane oven on the last practice run. That was in the summer, so now you need to see if this will work outside in the winter cold. If you have a problem getting enough heat, you may have to bake your bread inside in the kitchen. The bread will go well with your spaghetti meal. Having flour, yeast, and other ingredients will be useful for your refuge meals. Trust Me to multiply your food for all of the people who come to your refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some powerful eruptions in some volcanoes that caused people to evacuate such a danger. You remember when I warned you to check on natural disasters before you make plans to travel. Keep a watch on earthquakes, fires, and volcanoes in the area of your talks. You will be in California for a few weeks, so keep a watch on what is happening in this area. Be thankful for good weather and no natural disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, when I call My people to come to My refuges, this will be difficult to only bring what you can carry from your house. You will not be returning to your home, and My refuges will be your new home, living together with other faithful people. You will need to get along with each other, and see the need for everyone to work in helping all of you to survive. Do not worry because I will provide what you need in multiplying your food, water, and fuels.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not concern yourselves with My timing of events. It is enough to know that you will need your preparations one day, and you will be happy that My refuge builders have plenty of food, water, and fuels. You do not see the big picture as I do, or you would understand any delay. Know that the tribulation is coming, so be prepared. I love all of you so much, and I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones. Just have faith in Me, as My Blessed Mother has advised you.”
I could see the many people who came to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Jesus said: “My people, I am happy to see that many people come out every year to fight to save My little ones from abortion. You are seeing some people who make money on abortions, and many fund elections of candidates who support abortion. These people will suffer for supporting the killing of My babies. Life is too precious to kill, so continue to protest such killings, and pray to stop your abortions.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will see many good speakers at your Gospa Prayer house Conference. The subject of a possible nuclear war has been in the news as North Korea is developing the capability of sending nuclear ICBMs toward America. A nuclear war, or even an EMP attack, could kill millions of people from radiation or famine, if the national grid goes down. You have been praying for peace between countries, but now these threats are very real. Continue your prayers for peace, and be prepared if such a war happens.”
Source: ➥