Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday, February 10, 2018: (St. Scholastica)
Jesus said: “My people, you have read this Gospel many times when I multiplied the seven loaves of bread and the few fish that fed four thousand people. They even collected seven baskets of fragments. I gave them food so they would be fed for their trip home. My faithful are also hungry to receive My Real Presence in the consecrated bread. I feed all of you so you will have My graces to strengthen you through each day. I give you My very Body and Blood so I am intimately with you in your soul. I have promised you that I will be with you to the end of time. Even during the tribulation, I will be among you. If you have a priest, you will have My sacraments. If you do not have a priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. I give you nourishment for your soul, and I told you, whoever receives Me in My Blessed Sacrament worthily, will receive eternal life. So give praise and thanks to your Lord who feeds you your spiritual food as often as you receive Me. I love you so much, and I pray that all of My faithful love Me, and desire to be in My Presence every day. I am the center of your life, and I will lead you on a path to heaven, if you follow Me in all of your actions. Share My gift of love and faith with everyone.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been suffering another sickness, but I have shown you before that sickness and your trials are opportunities for grace when you offer them up to Me for souls. You pray for the souls in purgatory, but you can also offer up your suffering to help souls come to heaven from purgatory. You have heard how former Bishop Sheen used to say how much pain is wasted in hospitals because people do not offer up their pain to Me. When you do this, you can gain merits in heaven for yourself, and for those people you are praying for. Keep praying your rosaries every day for the souls in purgatory, all sinners, to stop abortion, and for world peace. Especially pray for your family members who are not coming to church, because your persistent prayers can help save their souls. You heard Father mention one of your favorite readings: ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given you.’ You have seen this in your own life, when you help people, and how you are rewarded in ways you did not expect. I am a loving and gracious God, and I want My faithful to share your abundant gifts with others as I do.”
Source: ➥