Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018:
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, for many years companies were polluting your skies with black smoke and a strong sulfur smell from burning coal. Today, most of your smokestacks have a precipitator on them, and this sends out white smoke. It is much like your catalytic converters for cutting pollution on your car. In another comparison, this is like a spiritual cleansing of your souls from the blackness of your sins in Confession. You can come to Confession to cleanse your black souls into white souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have cold and warm days during this winter, which is causing sickness and some flooding. This is about the people who are cold and warm in their faith. It is also a sign of how your society is claiming good things as bad, and bad things that are called good. Satan is confusing your people so you have morals that are being corrupted, and fewer people are coming to church. You need to pray for your families so they do not fall away from the faith. Do not let the glitter of the world, and your addictions take over your souls.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have just recovered from your bronchitis, and you suffered many nights with only a few hours of sleep. Pray for all of your sick people to get better, so they can live normal lives with good sleep. Pray also for those people who have chronic aches and pains, who cannot be cured of their illnesses. Pray for the healing of such people.”
Jesus said: “My people, much of your pollution comes from inefficient jet engines and car engines. You have seen some improvements over the years so your planes and cars can better use the fuels with more complete combustion. You have the technology to have more efficient cars, but you are needing incentives to improve them. Your home heaters are also burning more efficiently. By improving these burners, you will see less pollution in the air. You could also use your solar panels more to cut down on the natural gas and coal that is needed to generate your electricity. Keep working on reducing your air and water pollution so you can have cleaner air to breathe and cleaner water to drink.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you have enough food to cook and eat for all of your meals. There are some people who cannot afford food, or find it to eat. Please remember the hungry people by praying for them, and donating to your local food shelves and soup suppers. You can also send food to poor countries who are starving because of repressive communist governments. Giving alms to the poor is one of your Lenten duties to help your neighbor get fed.”
Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of Lent you chose certain penances along with your prayers and fasting between meals. It is good to keep faithful to what you are giving up, or what you are doing to improve your prayer life. You are seeing how you have more time to pray and read when you stopped watching TV. Many people waste a lot of time watching TV and on other addictions. When you change your life habits to a better use of your time, you are strengthening your will power over temptations to sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, the best way to repent of your sins, is to come to the priest to confess them in the confessional. When you come to Confession, you do not see long lines, as you see in the lines for Holy Communion at Mass. Take time to prepare yourself for Confession, and make a point to come at least once a month. If you have mortal sin, you need to cleanse your soul in Confession as soon as possible, before receiving Holy Communion. Even if you have only venial sins, you still should confess them at least once a month. You gain many graces from Confession so take advantage of this sacrament to keep your soul clean.”
Source: ➥