Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to a wedding, it is most always a happy occasion with a reception and dancing. When a man and woman are married in the Church, it is even better, because some are not getting married, and others are married in other places. You, My son, have a marriage coming in your family. Some people spend a lot of money on this one day, along with a honeymoon. Others spend a lot less because of financial reasons. You rejoice with the happy couple amidst the gifts and prayers for the success of their marriage. When you think of marriage, you can also picture Me as the Groom, and My Church as the bride. I formed My Church on the rock of St. Peter, and I have protected it from the gates of hell for many years. Even as you see divorce in marriages, a time is coming when you will see a division in My Church. You will have a schismatic church and My faithful remnant that will be under My protection. You will have My faithful protected by My angels at My refuges.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the king tried to force Shadrac, Mishak, and Abednego, who were Jews, to worship his idol statue. They refused and they were saved from a red hot furnace. (Dn 3:1-55) A time is coming when the evil ones will try and force people to take a mark of the beast, and worship the Antichrist. If you refuse to do this, and they capture you, you could be martyred in their concentration camps. I will warn you at that time to call on Me, and I will direct your guardian angel to lead you with a flame to the nearest place of refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when it will be mandatory to take a Verichip in the body in order to buy and sell food, and anything else. You do not need such a chip, or the mark of the beast. It is only to control your will. Once a person takes such a chip, the Antichrist will control them like being hypnotized to worship the Antichrist. This is why you should never take a chip in the body, nor worship the Antichrist. You can remove such a chip until the Antichrist declares himself. Then you will not be able to remove it. Trust in My protection at My refuges when chips are made mandatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this barrel of oil that is gradually increasing in price. With this increase, gasoline and other petroleum products will be increasing as well. This will make traveling by car or truck more expensive. It could contribute to a rising cost of living called inflation. This would make your dollar less valuable, and your investments would shrink in value. This is just one cause of a coming chaos in your society. Trust in Me to multiply your fuels at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, the initial start of a head of state meeting between America and North Korea has had several changes in the goal of a possible removal of nuclear weapons from North Korea. North Korea does not want to give up their nuclear weapons, and they are trying to make demands on America to leave South Korea and stop the military exercises. With all of these potential roadblocks, it is becoming doubtful if any meeting will accomplish anything. Your President said he would walk out if the meeting did not have any value. Keep praying for peace between your two countries.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are about to celebrate Pentecost Sunday, fifty days after My Resurrection. This is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all of My faithful. You all have flames over your head that represents the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I breathed on My apostles, and I told them that the Holy Spirit would come over them with His gifts. Once the apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit, they became bold and went out in courage to spread My Good News to all the nations. Continue your Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before not to let sports become addictions or idols before Me, especially on Sunday. Many children and young adults are playing games on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. This does not give time to worship Me on Sunday. It is this idolization of sports that is against My First Commandment that says you are to worship only Me. Now you also are seeing sports gambling allowed in various states. This is further idolizing money before Me as well. I should be the center of your lives and not your sports.”
Jesus said: “My son, these relics are a beautiful gift from your friend, Jeanne Maureens. It is proper that you thank her with the Masses you are planning. Many of you remember the six mile walk you did up in Midland, Canada that honors the North American martyrs. It would be fitting to try and arrange another six mile walk as you carry these relics to honor these martyrs. You are all blessed to be able to venerate this relic of My Grandmother, St. Anne, and the relics of the St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Gabril Lalemant, and St. Charles Garnier.”
Source: ➥