Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, May 28, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018: (Memorial Day)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing two evils that are taking many lives of your people from wars and abortions. In wars you have fought against dictators like Hitler who dealt with the occult. You have had wars fighting against atheistic communist takeovers. Now you are seeing radicals who are killing people indiscriminately with guns, bombs, and even vehicles. You have been killing millions of babies in the womb for your own convenience, and then you wonder why your populations are decreasing. When your fertility rates drop below 2.1, you are not replacing those people who are dying. This is true for many countries, and abortion is one of the main causes. If you kill your babies, then life has less value to some. Some people do not even see that abortion is a great sin against your Creator, because it is truly murder of another human being. The devil is behind all of this killing, but your people are still tolerating this killing for blood money. Are your people that selfish that they do not want to raise your own children? Your people will be punished for your abortions. So pray to stop abortion, and pray to stop your foolish wars that the one world people are perpetrating on you for their own wealth.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, you are seeing wars in the beginning of your country, and you are still seeing wars fought today. You remember all the veterans from your wars. You had the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, two World Wars, and many wars up to now. For the most part, people died in your wars to defend your freedoms. I keep asking you to pray for peace, because now many of your countries have nuclear weapons that can kill thousands of people with one bomb.”
Source: ➥