Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday, June 13, 2018: (St. Anthony of Padua)
Jesus said: “My people, in your first reading (3Kings 18:20-40) Elijah performed a great proof that I am the only true God in front of the people of Israel. He was the last of the prophets for Me against 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to bring down fire on their sacrifice, and nothing happened. Elijah prepared his sacrifice, and drenched it three times with water. Then he called on Me to bring fire down on the sacrifice, which I did. Seeing this proof before their eyes, the people said: ‘The Lord is God’ twice. The prophets of Baal were then killed. At times people of today also doubt My existence, but there have been constant proofs of My existence in My many miracles. You, My son, have seen many confirmations of Me, and your own mission. Once you truly believe in what I am doing in your lives, then you need to proclaim My praise and glory from your rooftops. I have come to fulfill all of My laws, and I want all of you to love Me and your neighbors in obeying My laws. If you truly believe in Me, and accept Me as your Savior, then you need to witness this in your actions by following My laws in all that you do. If you fail and commit sins against My laws, you can come to Me in Confession, and I will forgive you. My laws are forever, and they shall never be changed. Anyone, who refutes or tries to change My laws, is a heretic, and they should not be listened to. Such heretics should be cast out of your society. When heretics and the evil ones enter My Church, you will see a division between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. I will protect My faithful remnant from the gates of hell, but those people, who refuse to believe in Me, will be cast into hell forever.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will be seeing droughts and fires in one area out West, and storms and floods in other areas of your country. I will bring America to its knees with natural disasters for all of your abortions and sexual sins. Your politicians are trying to promote recreational marijuana in your states, but this will bring ruin to your already sinful society. My laws do not change, and your people are committing more mortal sins without seeking My forgiveness of their sins. Some people are compounding their sins by committing sacrilege of taking Holy Communion in mortal sin. How long do you think I will allow such rampant sin without bringing My just punishment to these sinners? Your punishment has been lessened only by the prayers of My faithful servants. I will take away My faithful from the rest of the bad sinners, and then I will rain down My destruction upon these evil ones. My heavy punishment has not fallen because My faithful are still present among the evil ones. My justice will be carried out in due time among the evil ones who refuse to repent of their sins.”
Source: ➥