Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, June 18, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday, June 18, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you are faced with many events, and you can react with kindness, or with a selfish intent. This is the contrast in today’s readings. In the first reading King Ahab wanted to have Naboth’s vineyard, but he was willing to give Naboth money for it, or another vineyard. Naboth did not want to give up his ancestral heritage. It was Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, who chose an evil way of having Naboth killed, so the king could have Naboth’s vineyard. There are times in life when you do not always get your way, but you do not kill people just to have something you like. In the Gospel I have given you a more loving approach even to those people who may persecute you. If someone slaps you on one cheek, then turn the other cheek, instead of seeking revenge. The Jewish law allowed equal retaliation, but I am preaching a new law of love that does not seek harming your neighbor. This kind of love does not come easy to man’s sense of justice. If you are going to imitate My way of love, then you can see how I desire that you love everyone, even your persecutors. I am merciful and loving, but I am also just in how I deal with My people. I am always willing to forgive a repentant sinner, but those people, who worship idols and kill others, will face My punishment.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing some severe thunderstorms in your area and heavy rains in Texas on the coast. Other flooding is occurring in the Midwest. You are continuing to see earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Hawaii, as the lava flow has destroyed many homes, and it ends in the ocean. Other volcanoes have become more active, and you had a 6.1 earthquake in Japan. I told you that you will have more of these natural disasters one after another. You have been planning to get a smaller off-grid solar panel kit so you could pull the snow off the panels in the winter from the first floor. In the tribulation time, this could give you some solar power to run your sump and water pumps between December and March. It is difficult for your on-grid system to work when you have snow on the panels on the second floor. Now, your new kit has arrived, and you will be scheduling a time to install your 12 panels and 12 batteries with an inverter and controller. You have continued to prepare your refuge for the faithful people who will be coming. My angels will continue to help you in getting your refuge ready for the tribulation.”
Source: ➥