Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Saturday, June 23, 2018:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that fears, worries, and anxieties are from the devil, and My people need to have more trust in faith that I will take care of their needs. I ask you to look back through your life, and you saw how I brought you through what seemed like impossible situations. You make many prudent plans, but you need to be flexible when events turn out different from what you expected. I told you how I feed the birds of the air, and dress the flowers of the fields, but you are more valuable than a flock of sparrows. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you. Do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough trouble of its own. You can only live in the present moment, so do your best to follow My laws and repent of your sins. Those people, who abide by My laws of loving Me and loving neighbor, will have eternal life with Me in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have taken My advice and they are storing six months to a year’s supply of food for every member of their household. Others are not making such preparations, and they may not find food in the stores, if there was a natural disaster. You have seen where bad weather has put a run on water and batteries in the stores, so it is better to stock up on your survival needs now, while you can still buy things. No matter what events happen, I will help provide for your food and water to survive. When there is a power outage or a food shortage, you may be called on to help your family, and your neighbors. Be willing to share what you have with those people who come to you for help. This will be how your refuge will protect and feed My faithful. Be ready to receive a lot of people that I will send to you.”

Source: ➥