Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday, October 7, 2018: (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Jesus said: “My people, those couples who wish to be married should get married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony. Those couples who get married by other means, can still be married in My Church. Those couples, who live together in fornication or homosexual marriage, are living sinful lifestyles. The couples of man and woman should get married in My Church also to avoid living in sin. Homosexual couples are living in sin, and they cannot be married in My Church. They need to change their lifestyle to man and woman couples to get married in the Church. Couples who were married in the Church, need to have annulments in order to get married again. Annulments can only be obtained if there were impediments in the first marriage. Parents need to encourage their children to marry in the Church, and not to live in fornication or adultery. It is important to live your faith in proper marriage, and avoid sex outside of marriage. By following My laws, you can avoid sexual sins that could lead people to hell, if they do not seek My forgiveness.”
Source: ➥