Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, it does not matter if you talk about people in My time on earth, or now in your time, man still has the same weaknesses. The Pharisees were full of pride to follow the Mosaic customs in public, but they were not following the rest of My laws of love. Even today, some people put on appearances of being holy, but they are not Christian in the way they deal with people. The Pharisees also demanded the people to pay the temple tax, while they did not give alms to help people. Your people of today give token amounts to the church and other charities, but they lavish themselves with many expensive possessions, eating in restaurants, and taking expensive vacations. Many of your people could share some serious donations for church and charities, if they put more love into helping people, instead of being selfish. The lesson here is to have less pride and more humility. It is also to be willing to share your wealth with those people who are in need for their survival.”
(St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Sacred Heart) Jesus said: “My people, many of you have pictures displaying My Sacred Heart, and today’s St. Margaret Mary Alacoque promoted this picture of My love for mankind. She had opposition in her order, but she was persistent out of love for Me. Her visions from Me proved to the religious authorities that honoring My Sacred Heart in June was worthy of a special feast day. Most people, who have this picture, see a flame of burning love, and a crown of thorns around My Heart, indicating how I suffer for all sinners. I love all the people so much, that I died to forgive your sins, and I bring salvation to all souls who accept Me as their Savior. You also see many pictures of My Sacred Heart joined with a picture of the Immaculate Heart of My Blessed Mother. Our two hearts also has a special devotion. Love comes from the heart, and My Sacred Heart shows you how much I love everyone, and I ask you to love Me in return.”
Source: ➥