Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018: (St. Andrew Dung-Lac)
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming for all Christians to be safe at a refuge in hiding from the evil people controlled by the devil and the Antichrist. Do not worry about where these safe havens are now, because at the appointed time, your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You need to thank and possibly help the refuge builders who have said ‘yes’ to setting up a refuge for My faithful. I have blessed My refuge builders with enough funds to build what is necessary for survival. You have a water well, food, fuel, and beds that will be multiplied in faith for those who come to your refuge. Be thankful to Me for providing you My angels for protection, and to build or finish any needed structures depending on how many come. My angels will only allow believers with crosses on their foreheads to enter. So have your families converted to the faith after the Warning, so they can have their crosses to enter. Trust in Me for all you will need.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass, Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, you have so many churches to come to Mass on Sunday, yet fewer people are taking the time to give Me glory on Sunday. It is a mortal sin against My Third Commandment to miss Mass on Sunday, and not give praise and honor to Me. If people are so lazy to honor Me in the peaceful time, what will they do when the Christian persecution begins? I am your King and Creator of everyone in the universe. You need to give respect to your King, and do not ignore Me. If you do not witness to faith in Me, then I will not witness for you to My Father in heaven. Hear the truth of My words, and believe, or you will be on the road to hell. I love all of you enough to die for your souls, so you could return your love to Me and be closer to entering heaven.”
Source: ➥