Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020


Monday, June 8, 2020:

Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the latest numbers of corona virus cases, you see that you are at the bottom of the outbreak curve. Because there are few cases, you are opening up in phases. Most everything is now opening, except your churches, and why is that? You have been to some churches for daily Mass with brave pastors. You are hearing some 20% of the space in a church could be open, but very few churches are abiding with this opening. Why are your bishops and priests so reluctant to share My sacraments? As you see places opening, it is time to question your own pastors to have a limited opening with all of your precautions. Look on the web sites and call them to see when they will allow people into Mass. If you cannot come to your own church, then it is time to come to a Mass in another parish. Your priests need to all be brave to share the Mass and stop restraining your people’s right to worship Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, for a few months you have been shutdown from certain jobs to try and minimize the spread of the corona virus. It is hard to determine which jobs are essential and which jobs are non-essential. Your unemployment rate went up to 13% as millions of workers are now unemployed. Now more jobs are coming back, but it will take years to bring back full employment. Since there are fewer virus cases, more jobs should be brought back where possible. It will be up to your governors and employers as to how many jobs will come back. In the meantime there will be a lot of unemployment checks that need to be sent out. This may require a large government pay out to back up the employers in making these payments. There is about a six month limit when these checks will stop. This is when these workers will have to find new jobs which could put a strain on your fragile economy to support more jobs. This problem may become worse in the fall, when you will see another shutdown with many people dying from a new virus. Pray that all of My believers will be able to get to My refuges before the fall virus comes. Be prepared with some extra food when you will be at My refuges.”

Source: ➥