Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020


Monday, September 14, 2020: (The Exaltation of the Holy Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring My Exaltation of My Holy Cross, as I came into this world to die on the cross for your sins to be forgiven. You had a preview of My crucifixion when Moses raised up the bronze serpent on a pole, so the people could look on it, and be healed of their snakebite. Later, I would be lifted up on a cross for the salvation of all of mankind. I have given everyone a chance to be healed of their sins, if they would come to Me in Confession. I have asked all of My faithful to pick up their own cross, and carry it every day of your life through your trials. You had a vision of how you are on the brink of major destruction, as the evil ones are about to be given their brief hour of control over the earth. By the virus, the flu, fires, hurricanes, and an uprising of the anarchists in your streets, you will truly be tested. Trust in Me to send you My Warning, and call you to My protection at My refuges. When you come to a refuge, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of any ailments of the body. You will be working hard organizing the people in providing for their water, food, and fuels. I will multiply what you need, and My angels will provide your buildings and daily Holy Communion. Trust in Me for your protection and your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will soon be entering the tribulation time, once the Antichrist declares himself. I told you that I will speed up the time by increasing the speed that the earth goes around on its axis. You also are seeing another hot year where your magnetic shield is decreasing, which allows more solar wind to come through the atmosphere. There is another effect from the sun where there are fewer sunspots, which could cool the earth. Not only is your temperature rising, but the plan of the anarchists are raising fires and destruction. Be prepared for a possible revolution, especially if your President wins your election. The next few months will be with riots and your lives could be in danger. You will be seeing the Warning and a time when My angels will lead you to My refuges. Trust in My protection and My multiplication of your food, water, and fuels.”

Source: ➥