Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020


Saturday, November 7, 2020: (Funeral Mass for Lillian Scarantino)

Lillian said: “I am coming home to Jesus, and I want all of my children, and grandchildren to be faithful to Jesus in coming to Sunday Mass. I thank all of you for coming to my funeral, since this will be my last hello and good-bye. I love all of you so much, and Jim and I will be watching you, so you better keep in line with the Lord. Say your prayers and come to Mass always. I suffered much with my dialysis, but I gave it up for your souls. I thank Maria and all of my helpers in my last days. I thank Theresa and Fr. Whelen for all of their kind words. The Lord allowed me to suffer my purgatory on earth, so I am with Jesus and Jim in heaven. Thank you for the Mass, and I love all of you so much.”

Lillian was happy to be at our prayer group for many years.

Jesus said: “My people, it is a little presupposing for Biden and Harris to be claiming victory, when some of the states will need recounts because of close votes, and some violations of election law. There have been claims of manipulated software in Michigan, and poll watchers were not allowed to see vote counting. My people need to have faith that this election has not been certified, until a proper investigation of the votes has been challenged. This case could still be determined in the Supreme Court which could override any Democrat leaning state judges. So do not believe this election has been decided, until all the facts have been determined. Trust in your democratic system to reveal any illegal votes.”

Source: ➥