Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021


Friday, April 23, 2021:

Jesus said: “My people, you have two significant readings today. The first is the conversion of Saul to St. Paul on the road to Damascus. My powerful Light shook Saul off of his horse, and he was blinded by this experience. Saul was killing Christians, so I called Saul and I told him: ‘Why are you persecuting Me?’ Saul was later healed of his sight by Ananias, and now Paul believed in the Risen Christ. Very few people are converted in such an obvious change in their life’s direction. I call on My faithful to evangelize as many souls as possible because the time for converting souls grows short. In the Gospel (Jn ch 6)

I am imploring My disciples to eat My Body and drink My Blood. I did not encourage cannibalism, but I am speaking of the consecrated Bread and Wine that gets transubstantiated into My Body and Blood at the Consecration of the Mass. It was difficult for My early believers to understand the Mystery of My Real Presence. As a result, a good number left My apostles because they did not accept this in faith. Even today, not all of My followers believe in My Real Presence of My Body and Blood in the consecrated Host and Wine. Even if some do not believe, I am still Present in the Host. I am Present in all of the tabernacles that house My consecrated Hosts. This is My perpetual Presence that I have left you with in My Blessed Sacrament. This is why you genuflect and give reverence to My tabernacle when you enter church. Give thanks and praise to Me for your belief in My Real Presence in My Host.”

Jesus said: “My people, many people across your country are also receiving stimulus checks. Some checks come right away, while others have to wait longer to receive them. You all could use the money to pay down bills and possibly buy something you needed for the house. This is a great help for people who lost their jobs, but it is not something you can count on like a paycheck. This Covid pandemic has turned your economy upside down. Handing out billions of dollars is not the way to help your economy, especially when the Democrats want to spend more money that could bankrupt your country with frivolous spending for political payoffs. It is better to control your spending on things your government needs, instead of so many handouts. Your government spending is out of control, and your country could soon be on the brink of bankruptcy. Pray for your leaders to do the right things for your people, before your dollar becomes worthless.”

Source: ➥