Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Tuesday, July 13, 2021: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, there is a parallel with Moses and Myself. At the time of Moses the Egyptians were concerned how the Israelites were having more children than themselves. So the Pharaoh made an edict that all of the Israelite male babies should be thrown into the river. Moses’ mother put him in a basket on the river, and he was discovered by Pharaoh’s sister who brought Moses up as her own son. So Moses was saved from the order to kill the male babies. In My time when I was born in Bethlehem, King Herod did not want another king to threaten his reign. So he had his soldiers kill all of the male babies in Bethlehem up to two years old. An angel came to My step father, Joseph, in a dream, and he was warned to take our family to Egypt to avoid Herod’s attempt to have Me killed. So just like Moses, I too was spared from the sword of those who wanted to kill Me. This was the hand of God that both of us were protected to carry out our missions. Moses led his people to the Promised Land, and I led all of the people to be redeemed by My death on the cross. I was leading people to the true Promised Land in heaven. Rejoice that both of our survivals of evil, allowed us to bring forth the fruit of our missions. My people, I will also protect My faithful and My prophets so they can fulfill their missions as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you know that I am more powerful than the demons. When a person is possessed by demons, the demons claim ownership over that soul, and they do not give up easily. When you invoke My Name over the demons, and bless the person with holy oils, this burns the demons, and they can shout out that they are in pain. When it takes many exorcism sessions, you are dealing with a strong demon or multiple demons. The exorcist priest must be firmly rooted in his faith with a strong link to his diocese for his authority over the demons. The demons try to hide and be quiet, but holy water and exorcism oils burn the demons. This is how you can tell they are still present. It can take many sessions to completely remove the demons. By your prayers and your persistence, the demons can be cast out with My help. Just as you need to believe I can heal someone, so in an exorcism, the priest or people also need to believe I can cast out the demons in My Name. When you direct the demons to the foot of My cross, tell them never to return as well.”

Source: ➥