Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, August 13, 2021
Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday, August 13, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, it is a glorious time when a man and a woman give themselves to each other under the bond of the sacrament of Matrimony. Their lives are blessed by the Church, and they have the intention of having children and staying together until death bid them part. My son, you are fortunate to be married to your spouse for 56 years. You are a good example to other couples. Your people do allow divorce, but it was My original intention that you stay married for life. In situations of abuse or infidelity, there are allowances for a separation. Your love for each other in couples, is the same love that I model for My Church and Myself. It is a sinful life for those people who live together without marriage because they are living in fornication. Marriage is a holy bond which should be treasured as a gift from God. I love all of you so much, and when you come to heaven, you will be like angels loving Me so much. Keep close to Me every day in Mass, your prayers, and your good deeds for your neighbor. In heaven there is nothing but perpetual love. In hell there is nothing but perpetual hate. So continue on your path to heaven where love and obedience to My laws is your soul’s greatest desire. I bless all of the married couples, and I desire that you stay together in honoring your spouse’s love for each other.”
Jesus said: “My people, you could be threatened by Biden and the military, or UN troops to take a vaccine, or to take the mark of the beast. Before this happens, or a new deadly corona virus comes, I will send My Warning to give people a chance to convert their souls. My believers will then be told to come to My refuges of protection so they will not be dragged off to the death camps. You will be protected at My refuges during the tribulation by My angels. Then I will cast the evil ones into hell, and My believers will be brought into My Era of Peace as a reward for their faithfulness.”
Source: ➥