Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thursday, December 16, 2021:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the ‘Tree of Life’ that Adam and Eve ate from in the Garden of Eden. When they ate from this tree, they could live a long time into the hundreds of years. When they committed the original sin of eating the forbidden fruit, then as a punishment, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. They died in a relatively short time later because they could not eat from the Tree of Life. After the tribulation and My victory over the Antichrist, all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. At that time I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. There will be many Trees of Life all over the earth, and My people will eat from this Tree of Life and they will live a much longer time than now. Rejoice, My people, because you will have no evil demons tempting you in the Era of Peace. You will be trained to be saints ready for heaven after you die.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am happy that you are praying for the souls in purgatory, especially for the people whose funerals you went to. Do not expect that person, who dies, will go immediately to heaven. Only holy people and those people who have suffered their purgatory on earth, are the few who come directly to heaven. So do not be sad if you hear people are in purgatory, for many saints had to do some purgatory time. Be prepared for your death by frequent Confession and come to Mass as often as you can. Pray for the souls in purgatory, and have Masses offered up for their intentions.”
Jesus said: “My people, I had two purposes for having you set up this fifth practice run. The most important purpose is to test your readiness because there are increasing threats that would cause Me to call you to My refuges. Another reason is to acquaint your newer members with how practical it is to be able to live independently with My angels helping you. It was incidental that while you were having your drill, there were some people that had lost power due to your wind storms. Be ready to deal with more power outages from your future storms. Keep your storm prayer handy to pray for easing any bad weather around you. Make some copies of the storm prayer for the people.”
The Prayer or Blessing Against Storms (+ = make sign of cross)
Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. + God
became man, + and the Word was made flesh. + Christ
was born of a Virgin. + Christ suffered. + Christ was
crucified. + Christ died. + Christ rose from the dead. +
Christ ascended into Heaven. + Christ conquers. + Christ
reigns. + Christ orders. + May Christ protect us from all
storms and lightning. + Christ went through their midst
in Peace, + and the word was made flesh. + Christ is with
us with Mary. + Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion
of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won. +
Holy God. + Holy Powerful God. + Holy Immortal God. +
Have mercy on us. Amen.
Jesus said: “My people, there are various ways to obtain ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine if you know the right people. You were reminded of using chlorine dioxide for fighting these viruses. You can buy the kits on line and it is easy to mix together with various mixtures with water, carbonated drinks , or other liquids. You researched this at one time and it would be good to have some information on the healing properties of chlorine dioxide which works like ozone to kill viruses. You could buy some more of the kits for making chlorine dioxide and have it on hand to help people who are sick with Covid variants.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are hearing of more people getting sick from the Covid variants, especially during the winter. There are flu cases as well which can use tamiflu or natural derivatives. You take your Airborne lozenges with vitamin C in it, vitamin D3 2000, zinc, and Hawthorn pills. By eating healthy and taking your supplements, you can build up your immune system to fight off these viruses. You can also call on Me to heal you of any sickness by having faith that I can heal you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you keep a clean soul from sin, and receive My consecrated Host often in Holy Communion, you will receive My graces to keep your body healthy and your soul strengthened against sin. Trusting in My healing power is your best medicine to conquer the man-made evil viruses.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been giving messages to people for how to prepare various needs for having a refuge. Other prayer groups could have their own practice runs using your example. You need the basics of a water source, dried foods, fuels for heating to keep warm and fuels for cooking. Having a source of light is needed at night. Cots and hygiene kits are also useful. Most of all you need an altar for future perpetual Adoration to focus your reliance on Me and My angels to provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, at your refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels, but you need to have some of these things at your refuge so I have something to multiply. For your food and your fuels, I could refill your containers with My miracles. See these refuge drills as a good practice for how you can adapt to My refuge life. I will send you deer for meat, and I will provide a luminous cross in the sky for your healing. Trust in Me to have My angels finish your refuge preparations, even at refuges that have not made any preparations. I will provide for your protection with My angels, but you need to have faith in My healing and multiplication of things, and you will see My miracles happen.”
Source: ➥