Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Thursday, March 24, 2022:

Jesus said: “My people, spring is a beautiful time of the year as you see buds on the trees and flowers bringing forth new life. Lent is also in line with new life as My people need to change their old habits of sin into a new way of life following My Commandments. Repenting of your sins in Confession, and seeking My forgiveness, can restore your spiritual life as well as that of the body. Continue your penances to restrain your bodily comforts, so you can grow closer to Me in love. You will soon be preparing for Holy Week. Do not forget to get ready for 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday to make your Good Friday oil. Good Friday also starts your novena for My Divine Mercy Sunday. Let this Lent continue to change your ways, as you prepare for celebrating My Resurrection on Easter Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are having this vision of My place of Crucifixion and My tomb in preparation for Holy Week. You have visited the Holy Sepulcher several times in Israel, but each time you arrived, it was like taking a trip through the Bible. This area in Israel is many times the scene of fighting and bombings. Through the years this church has been protected from such destruction from wars. This Sunday is Laetare Sunday or Rejoice Sunday that celebrates the middle of Lent or the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The priest can wear rose vestments in celebration of joy, even despite during our sacrifices and penances. You are seeing the days getting longer with more light as you approach My Light at Easter. You are happy that the season of winter is over, and you are seeing the signs of spring. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save your souls.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching your news reports with pictures of many buildings destroyed by Russian troops. Even some of the children have been captured and taken away on buses. There have been so many attacks on civilians, that there have been multiple violations of war crimes. Think about it if you saw one of your cities decimated by artillery and missiles. Then you would understand how desperate the Ukrainians are in seeking weapons and planes. Pray for this war to stop.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Russian drive to take the Ukraine has bogged down and Russia is making little gains. There is a fear that Putin could use chemical weapons, or even small nuclear devices. You remember how your previous President Trump sent many Tomahawk missiles into Syria when the Syrian leader used chemical weapons on his own people. Pray that Russia does not escalate this war with such weapons. Biden had said he would retaliate if such weapons were used.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military people are well aware of a possible Chinese attack on Taiwan. Some of your people are sending planes and missile batteries to Taiwan to build up their defenses. I have mentioned before that Taiwan sends 50% of your microchips to your country in trade. Such a loss of Taiwan could cause great harm to your economy. It is hard to start making chips or medicines that you get from Taiwan and China. America needs to quickly take back your foreign trade to your enemies. If China starts a war, America would have many shortages because of all of your trade with China. Pray that China does not start such a war.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a possible global shortage of food if the Ukraine cannot export their crops. With inflation causing fertilizer and seed prices to rise, even your own farmers will need to increase the food prices to your consumers. You could see food shortages not only in America, but over many nations in the world. As your shelves get empty on certain items, your people may have hunger problems because you did not set aside your three months of food that I told you in previous messages. If necessary, you can call on Me, and I will multiply your food in faith, even before you are called to My refuges. Pray that your people will have sufficient amounts of food to eat for your families.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of how China spread the Covid-19 virus among the world along with financial help and know how from your medical people. You are even seeing more bioweapon labs that were placed in the Ukraine by more American medical people. The one world people have been pushing lies about your Covid shots which are actually causing sicknesses and deaths among your people. This is part of the ‘Great Reset’ to reduce the population for the Antichrist’s takeover. Your medical people knew how dangerous the Covid shots are to your immune systems. Your leaders still forced your workers and military people to take these poisonous shots, or they would lose their jobs. These evil people will answer to Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, your leaders have lost the control over your people now that the Covid cases are much lower. Now the one world people are planning more control over you with more lies about war and new deadly viruses. Refuse to take any so called vaccines for any new viruses that will be spread among you. Your leaders will try to use more quarantines against you, and they will try and put the unvaccinated people in death camps. If a world war breaks out, I will bring My Warning, and call you to My refuges, if your lives are in danger. My angels will put shields of protection over My believers to protect you from all of the weapons of the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil people will soon try to crash your dollar and force you to only use the mark of the beast in a computer chip that will be needed for all buying and selling. Controlling your money is part of the one world people’s six stages for a takeover in the ‘Great Reset’ that will prepare the way for the coming Antichrist’s reign in the tribulation. Fear not because I will bring My Warning and a call to My refuges where My angels will protect you. Soon I will bring My victory over the evil ones, and I will cast them into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My believers into My Era of Peace.”

Source: ➥